So It’s been a week since we got into Kuala Lampur (KL) and an amazing week it’s been so far. It started out with our best flight yet, on Qatar Airlines and getting welcomed by an amazing host in KL…right in the heart of the city.

Got introduced to some real amazing ice tea, very cold and refreshing…or maybe I was just really thirsty, I mean I just carried my partially broken pack, with all the extra crap I tend to log all over the place, half across KL (maybe I exaggerate a little…) …which ever way, it was de-li-cious!! It was late and close to midnight, Malay time, but probably one of best country welcoming yet.

To back track a little, right before we left South Africa, our squad decided to do something interesting and switch things up a little.  Looking to push ourselves even more these last three months of the race, the idea was presented to scratch all teams and have new ones made, but we would earnestly seek the Lord for direction and clarity on where he would have us placed.
Making teams turned out to be a tad more difficult and emotional than I bet most people expected, however, all in all, it was a real interesting process that I think got people to step out of comfort zones and walk into the unknown of Gods direction.
So with that said, new teams were formed and I am currently one of an unnamed team of seven, namely… Mathew RUPLE, Jessica PHILIP, Ashley, Leigh LECKMAN, Kristin HELMS and Helen DUKE (better known to you as Heather…a Malay thing). This new team is actively and intentionally being led by a power duo team, Jessica and Ashley.

Anyway, with new teams in check, all roads led to KL where my team found out we would be doing some real jungle living for the next month in the Malaysian outback, with the native indigenous people. With a relatively short bus ride and three hrs later we were off-roading it up a mountain with our new host in the middle of nowhere, going through a couple of remote villages where children running around naked seemed to be the norm.

In time, we made it to our new home as beautiful as you can imagine, surrounded by bamboos, vines and the tallest trees I’ve ever seen, some that even bleed red. On either side was either a mountain or a valley and they rolled as far as eyes could see, with a river running through.

   A baby sun bear that was found during a hunt in the jungle,               One of the local settlements, sitting on a split on the river bank.

       now kept as a pet. Look at the claws on that thing


This week has been a medley of construction project (details another time), getting acquainted with our new community…especially being accepted by the children (still working on this one) and adjusting to jungle life. Needless to say, it’s been quite an exciting week. Not sure how often I’ll be able to keep this up, but I figure I’d give you an update on what’s new…

…So I have to leave now, can’t post all the pics I’d like too…will work on next week, i’ll update this blog. Please continue to keep us in prayer, thanks loads!!