I hope after my last blog that you understand a little more of the despair surrounding me this month. I think the most infuriating thing is that I can't so anything about it– at least anything visible.
To a culture that is so keen on traditions and century old beliefs, most outside opinion or advice is seen as racist or a lack of understanding. Most foreigners here are tip-toeing around trying not to step on anyone's toes so that their influence is received and not branded judgmental.
But I don't think we are going to do any good here tip-toeing, as the body of Christ I think it's time to start jumping and stomping on toes. Not toes of the Lords beloved children of Swaziland, but toes of the demonic strongholds that have the Swazi people buried so deep in bondage. Even the Christians here put their culture before their Christ without ever realizing it.
It's time for believers world wide to move into action: and even though Swaziland is far away for most, the only movement actually required is to your knees. This is a change that absolutely has to start from the inside out. It has to change from the Christians and authority in Swaziland and it needs to change yesterday, or in 40 years this country will be obsolete.
Our teams just finished a 3 day prayer vigil and are fighting for this country, join us as we pray life into this culture of sure death.
Pray against the idol of Culture. Jesus reigns over ALL things, so pray that His words and truths would penetrate the hearts of those holding onto ancient traditions. Pray Matthew 5:16 over this nation.
Pray a hedge of protection around the children: that the people might see the children as valuable as our Savior does. Pray Mark 10:13-16 over the adults.
Pray against the silence, against the myths of witchcraft. Pray for the body of believers that they will daily be made into the likeness of Christ and exhibit the fruits of the Spirit.
Pray for freedom. Freedom from passivity. Freedom from blind eyes, unhearing ears, and hardened hearts. Freedom from lies, deceit, and strongholds of the enemy. Freedom from stubbornness and ignorance.
Jesus put on my heart to activate His prayer warriors, and I know no better way than to share the stories of the oppressed and start a battle for hope.