This blog is
just to keep everyone in the loop on my life. And also to all AIM and
World Race staff – let this serve as your warning that I will see
you in court.

After much thought and not
so much prayer
decided to file a lawsuit

against the World Race
the charges of false advertising
Good thing my teammate and good friend, Brian, is a lawyer huh? Although
I haven’t informed him of my decision and I’m not completely sure he’ll
support me I’m pretty confident I can win him over with a few free meals
of Chinese food.

Anyways, back on track, I’m
filing a lawsuit against the World Race for advertising something and
then delivering something completely different. I mean let’s get serious,
in America if you say you’re giving out free cheeseburgers and you aren’t,
you get sued. I just can’t believe that so many years have gone by and
so many people have gone on the World Race and no one has pointed out
this deceit before.
World Race has been lying to us all and I’m not going to sit back and
let it continue…

The World Race told me I would
meet people living in extreme poverty and I would bring a smile to their
faces and hope to their lives. Why didn’t anyone tell me that it would
my cheeks that hurt from smiling so much
and that after becoming friends with them
would finally realize what true hope really is?
People from the World Race
told me that I would see the injustices of the world firsthand and be
broken when I saw these issues. But no one told me that when these “issues”
became my friends that God would pick up
broken pieces of my life

and make me strong in my faith – strong enough to believe that despite
these injustices that He is still in control. Why? Why did no one tell
The World Race told me that
I would teach children and adults about life and about faith. But they
failed to tell me that
I would be the student much more than I
would be the teacher. Why didn’t they forewarn me that
I would try to teach but instead I
would learn about life and about faith?
The World Race convinced me
that I would face my fears this year. Why didn’t they mention that I
wouldn’t really face them at all? Why didn’t they tell me that
my fears would actually bow down
to me
When I signed up for the World
Race they told me I was joining with 50 other normal people (don’t even
get me started on this part of the lie…normal? really?) to go out
and change the world. Lies.
didn’t anyone tell me I’d actually be going out for the world to change

I guess if I’m going to be
completely honest I can admit that maybe,
, someone from
the World Race may have mentioned these things to me. They may have
also said something (
quickly in passing I’m sure
about surrendering my expectations.

When I started to uncover the
truth about this trip I started to get upset. Why? Why did things not
go the way I thought they would? Why are these experiences not like
the ones I had expected? I thought, geez the World Race really tricked
us! But I’ve come to find that the truth, the real truth, is that
what I had expected is so lame in comparison to what the Lord actually
had in store for me this year.

I feel like
I’ve been deceived this year in the best way possible…

and I couldn’t be more excited
about it.