Chances are you have a lot more internet access at home than we have here…and a lot better quality at that. So instead of describing in detail every second of our time
in Kenya,
we’ve decided to try something new and leave some of it up to YOU! Come on,
humor us just this once…please?!

Ok so we’re giving you a list (it’s short don’t worry) of a
few things from Kenya
you might want to know about. Now here’s what you do – open up a new tab on
your internet, go to, and search for these things so you can see what
we’ve been up to! And don’t forget to come back to this page and leave us a
comment about how very much you LOVED hearing about our time in Kenya through
your Google homework.

 Look how happy it’s making us that you’re doing this 🙂



Thanks in advance for the 10 minutes of your day this is
going to take!


Alright, look up these things…

1. Kibera – A place we visited for a day. A very eye-opening

2. Chipatti – Drew’s favorite Kenyan food.

3. Ugali – Erin’s least
favorite Kenyan food.

4. Bwana Asifiwe – A phrase we used a lot in Kenya.

5. Matatu – Our main mode of transportation.