The World Race is over for me. I’m sitting at a coffee shop in Gainesville, GA with Mark Newland. I suspect the transition back to everyday life is much different that many of the other world racers. There’s a training camp happening 5 miles down the road from my home. I’ve seen about 12 World Race alum since my return and have gone to see the training of the new October crew.
It’s very strange… as if I left, had a very long dream, woke up and went back to training camp. Like everything back here was put on pause and I experienced all of the most influential experiences of my life before coming home a new man. I looked around at all the October racers, all of them just sitting there staring at each other, and it felt like yesterday when I was sitting in their chairs staring around at Molly, Megan, Aaron, Krystle, Jeanette, and Traci trying to think of something to say.
Everything’s nicer here. The roads are good, everyone speaks English, football is starting… there’s lots of different things I’m transitioning back into. But I have only slept on a bed twice. There’s so many people in our house, all training the October racers. It’s great though. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’ve had the privilege of jumping right back into a community that shares my mentality right away. And my mother’s cooking has never been more appreciated. My dad and I watched the Redskins play a couple of nights ago. I’ve eaten Chick-fil-A twice and Little Italy twice. I’ve slept in. And on the 19th I fly out to Colorado to join a new community and start a new life. But it’s a progression.
I’ll keep you updated.