Hello there people. Here I sit in the AIM office, which is nothing new since I worked here all summer, but this time I’m sweaty and dirty and on the floor and with four other World Racers. Two days ago I joined 11 other September racers and many other January racers as the training commenced.

Ron and Wanda Walborn and Ben Messner led the training seminars, which mainly consisted of healing ministry. People crying was a common site. We prayed and ministered to each other. I have been impressed and encouraged with the depth of the conversations I’ve been able to have with many of my teammates.

Yesterday I stood up and asked for prayer and left with two others and a married couple that would pray with us. I had been upset with myself and unsure if I had really received healing from an issue that I had lifted up to the Lord and taken authority over. The gentleman there prayed over me and said that the Lord has given me freedom. I realized this morning that this same man had prayed over me about three weeks ago. He spoke to me from the Lord, saying that God saw me where I was and had given me everything I needed to be free and healed. After taking this way out I was just insecure. I have since embraced my freedom in Christ and look forward to growing more in the coming days of training and well into the race.

Tonight we will leave for someplace with a change of clothes and a toothbrush (they won’t tell us where). In about 9 days we leave for Thailand.

Thank you for your prayers and support. I need about $4,000 to achieve my goal.