“Everywhere you go, every single place you go, people will receive healing.”

“When I was looking at you earlier, I saw healing.”

“When I was praying for your team I sensed the anointing of the power of healing.”

-words spoken to me yesterday

The Lord has been giving me a strong desire to bring healing to the sick and broken the past couple of weeks here at training camp. Andrew Shearman, Shelvy, Ron Walborn, Ben Messner, Tim Drew, the other speakers, and especially my teammates have inspired me tremendously to see God’s kingdom come now. I have a hunger to serve the Lord and seek Him like I never have before.

Having said that, I am learning every day how much more I still have to give to the Lord. A couple of days ago the Lord challenged me to find my identity in Him and sacrifice my relationships with everyone else. When I think of this, it hurts. I want to run back to the memories of the most incredible summer of my life that just ended. I want to return to the porch with
my dad – drinking a beer and talking. I want to get lost in the countless memories of my mom and me chatting in her room on the couch about whatever. I want to cry.

It is so easy to get lost in the past and not move on for fear that the future will be filled with pain, and I know it will for me. But then something Ben talked about earlier rings true in my mind, “People are numbing themselves by running from their pain. The greater the capacity for pain, the greater the capacity for joy.” I know that the Lord loves me, he knows me by name.

I want desperately to experience the power of the Lord. I want to advance and discoverthe Lord’s calling for my life. I embrace the pain and the joy. I will grieve the losses and embrace freedom in Christ. The Lord’s praises will forever be on my lips. I will defend the brokenhearted and declare freedom for the captives. I will proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God.

I am fearful and timid, but I lay myself down now and embrace my ability and strength. I will not live a safe life. I am Seth Barnes Jr., a powerful servant of the most high God.