You should know I am glad to be out of school, but I’m technically not graduated. I’ve got a speech class (which I plan on finishing up in the next two days) and an economics class yet to be done. It is pretty terrible, but it sure beats another year of Taylor where there’s nothing but school. You see, I’m not much of a school guy. School’s not my thing. I don’t enjoy it. It’s hard for me to focus on one thing for very long, especially something awful like economics. That’s why I haven’t started that class yet for the summer and I’ve got six weeks left before I leave on this race. I’m a procrastinator. It’s something that needs working on for sure.

For me, I suspect leaving college was not nearly as difficult as most people have it. I was anxious to get out of there. I met some great friends and have developed greatly over the past four years, so I don’t regret going to Taylor. I trust that God will use this degree somehow in the future; although I’m not sure how right now (I don’t enjoy it). I’ve switched majors six times. Here’s the rundown: Business Marketing to Business Management to Art to Physics/Engineering to Sports Management to Business Management. There was a lot of learning about what I don’t like during this time, but not too much about what I actually enjoy. I was just starting to catch onto some of this when I left (perhaps writing and missions).

This summer I’ve been working under the supervision of Jeff Goins at Adventures in Missions. I’m involved in World Race marketing and editing for Wrecked for the Ordinary.