Thank you to everyone who has donated money to this trip.
I only have $4500 more to raise by April!
Thank you to everyone who has read and commented on my blogs.
It is a constant source of happiness to me to know that my experiences are encouraging to all of you back home!
And thank you to everyone who has been praying for my teammates and I. For our safety, our health and our growth.
We have seen the effects of your prayers here on the field!
I also have an update. We found out a few hours ago that we will be spending three days at a farm somewhere near by, including Christmas Eve. In Panama, that could mean another banana jungle or a house with a yard.
So Merry Christmas to everyone! For those of you who are living in snow and ice, please be careful! I wish I could be there with you. It is summer here, and it is H-O-T.
Till´next time!