So, if you don’t already know, our team got 2nd place in the race to

. It was such a great race. We started out in last place and worked our way up to the front. It was the most exciting race yet. I will post the race rules and each leg as we got it. So that you all can see word for word what we see on race day.


is gorgeous. It sits right on the

Pacific Ocean
. You would easily mistake it for


. The way the mountains come right up to the Pacific and then just cliff right off. It would be safe to assume the Lord spent a little extra time on this place. Hahaha.

We have been working with a man named Bob Cooley who has given us more than 110%. We thank him you so much for that Bob! We are helping with a church plant in a small community up on this hill that overlooks the

Pacific Ocean
. So, for the first week that we have been here, we have been building relationships with the people and their children. We have had two services already for the kids. We are quickly becoming friends with everyone up there.

, Emilie, and I were invited in this afternoon to a ladies home. I started praying immediately for our stomachs. I know the hospitality of these people. Which means I knew we were about to be offered a drink. Which is ok, but it’s made from their water most of the time. So we all said a short prayer, and took it for the team. We ended up bringing 3 little girls with us from that house. Amen. I feel ok now. We will see when the morning comes.

So, ministry is going well as of now. We are running into some city problems with getting construction on its way. Eric and I decided to start on the wall a little early. Woops! I got excited when they handed me a sledge and said, “Move that section of wall.” I guess we hadn’t gotten the ok. Sorry.

We have also gotten together a drama team to do small skits for the kids. So, of course I signed up for that one. I might know a thing or two about acting. Hahaha.

I really believe God has a lot in store for us all here in

. I am so excited about that.


So here are some pictures that might help catch you all up to par on what the Lord is doing.

Crossing from Guatemala into El Salvador.

Enjoying Hondourus.

We had our debrief here on Lake Nicaragua. One of the largest lakes in the world.

Enjoying the Panama Canal from the airplane.

Lima from the beach. This place is just like Malibu!

This is what we had to swim out into durring the race. It was so cold and the waves were about 10 feet.

I plan on learning to surf this week on my day off!

Many came to Christ at the service the other night!!!

We are building and planting a church at the top of these stairs.

And of course the good Lord lets us see this almost every night!!


I love and miss you all so much. Please continue to pray. There are many people on the World Race who are sick, including me. Just a stomache thing. I think it was from the juice at that ladies house. It is hitting me from the time I wrote the beginning of this last night tol now.

Talk to you all again soon!!!!!!!!!