So, you wake up. You walk down stairs and turn on the coffee maker. You walk into the liviung room. Flop down nto your leather recliner. You might open the doors and windows due to the spring easter sunday. You catch up on any news that may have come in your 10lb. sunday newspaper. Just as your getting relaxed, the coffee maker goes off. You get up and pour a cup. Your spouse comes down. She has a cup. You both put on your newly purchased Ëaster Outfits¨ and head off to your plush church. Where your welcomed and greated with all your regulars. After your typical Easter Service of record breaking attendence, you all head home. Where a wonderful meal and a easter egg hunt awaits the little ones. You all have a wonderful time and say a prayer for to God thanking Him for sacrificing His ONLY Son.

Meanwhile: In Lima , Peru

I woke up to horns honking and bells ringing in the street as normal. Dogs barking everywhere. The dance club that is about 10 feet across the street hadnt turned its music off until about 5am. So, I am awaken by drunks yelling in the street trying to find a cab to get home.  

Its so easy to think that we live in this perfect world in the States. Meanwhile there are miserable people all over the world who dont even know what ¨life with Christ¨ even means.

Our team took off Easter Sunday to hand our tracks all over the city. We were promoting a new church. We then performed the service for them. It was very different to what I have always known Easter Sunday to be. But we aren´t here for us. We saw one person come to know the Lord at that service.

Later that day. We had a huge service at our home church. Hundreds showed up. Many of us on the drama team plus some extras from World Race, had practiced hours and hours for a special Easter drama. We all did the entire skit and song with sign language. It moved the church to a standing Ovation when it was finished. To God be the Glory because many came to know Christ that evening as well!

So, the next time you find your self all comfy and cozy on your leather, just stop and think about the World Race. And how we have dropped it ALL to come live as Jesus did. We are only 3 months into this. There are still 8 to go. I will be the first to stand up and say, this is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. Christianity is not easy. Nor was it promised to be easy. I just ask for your continued support and prayers as we travel the rest of the world spreading the Word of God every where our feet take us.

Jesus, we love you and we thank you!

As Iron Sharpens iron,
