Lets just start off by saying that I love my dad!

One of the things that the Lord is teaching me right now is how to be a son of God. How will I ever make a great husband or father if i dont know how to be a son? I can only imagine how difficult it must be to raise a son. Everything you do contributes to the way your son will act. For example: if you never dicipline your child, they will grow up to be animals. So I thank God that my father had the courage to dicipline me. I was blessed to have been raised by a christian father. Not a perfect one, but a christian one. I have learned that even as a father you will make mistakes here and then, but as a son I have made many too. We take the mistakes we make and use them as tools to make us better men of God.

So, I want to say Happy Fathers Day and that I love you very much Dad!!! I wish i was home with ya!

As iron sharpens Iron…
