I am very excited about what God is going to do this year. I am sure we will wittness many miracles. So, this year I will be writting all of my blogs based on a theme. The theme is something I have been praying about. I have been praying how I want to be able to view the World through God’s eyes. Not looking at someone through my eyes and thinking they are unsightly. But truely seeing what God sees. That doesnt stop with people either. God has created the whole World. So i want to see His creations the way He sees them.

I cant promise all of my blogs this next year are going to follow the theme. But I am going to do my best to follow this years theme of ” Through His eyes.” My year is going to be devoted to living according to what God sees. There are going to be times of brokeness, joy, excitement, and sadness. But as the song by Ginny Owens says, “I will walk through the valley if you want me to,” I will do whatever the Lord needs me to do to further His Kingdom. 

I know I have been called to come on this WorldRace for a reason. And as you all follow me, we will discover it together. I love you all and I hope you check in week to week to see what God is allowing me to see, through His eys.

As Iron sharpens Iron,
