Team SALT came back to Antigua and had asked for some help painting a church this morning. So, they bribed me with a breakfast bagel and the rest was history. We showed up at 9am in our old clothes ready to go. Wait, we dont have old clothes. We just have what we have. Oh well, we will just all use our world race shirts. Sorry AIM! hahaha!
So this is a church with a coffee shop attatched to it. A beautiful place where there are all kinds of stairs twisting and winding all through it. There is a top deck which is open air for viewing all three local volcanoes. God is really going to use this little church! They haven’t launched the church yet but after all the painting this morning, i would say its just about ready. So pray for this church that it will just blossom and grow. This is a travelers city. So many people come and go. It needs a bunch of solid churches that people will feel welcome to just stop by. Which meens the congrigation needs to be more than welcoming, due to the many visitors its going to see come through the doors. So here are some pics from our day of painting! Enjoy!

Have a blessed weekend and continue to pray for God to use our team in ways we cant comprehend!!

Love you all!
As Iron sharpens Iron