Well we are back in Antigua, Guatemala. We went over to a local school to spend gym class with the kids. They were so excited to have us there. The little boys were so affectionate towards us. I was shocked. After I had lifted one of them up on my arm, they all wanted to be lifted. The next thing I knew, I was carryng them all to the feild.  They wore me out. Clinton and I then played some futbol/soccer with them for an hur or so. It was so much fun and we could tell it blessed the kids to have us there.  Here are some pics from today and from our lifestyle here in Antigua.

They love to paint the bottoms of all their trees white. Dont ask. We have no idea. Bugs?

See what i mean.

Not too many showers in these parts…i know, thats gross. Welcome to my life for the next year.

Preaching to the purple Gypsy cult.

Enjoying the beautiful weather.

They like to make us feel safe around here.

gorgeous architecture.

The kids at school loving on my Oakleys.

Clinton and I trying to play some futbol.

Trying to get all the kids to calm down and walk back to the school….not an easy task.

The kids enjoying the city sprinkler on our walk back to the school.

Yes, i finally found another person in Guatemala named Joshua!!!!

I love and thank you all for following me around the world!! More ministry updates to come!!