As you all know, i had the opportunity to voulenteer at Gods Child project last week. It was an amazing experience. This is an organization funded by Doctors from USA. It is a beautiful place. They send groups into nearby villages and they pick the poorest children to come to this facility. Another program they do here is bring in the mothers of these children. They put on seminars and encourage these women to be the best mothers that they can. After, they all line up Gods Child gives them all kinds of fruits and vegetables for them to take home to their families. So i got the privilage to worl most of the week in the library reading to the children and helping out the teacher when it was needed. I also got to hand out food to the mothers on friday. What a joy it was to see them thank me and smile. I said, dont thank me, thenk our merciful God.

Reading to the children

As soon as the teacher started reading about the statue of Liberty, this little guy started posing. There is so much potential in these little guys!

Here I am handing out the food ot all the mothers.

Continue to pray for us. We leave Guatemala saturday for Nicaragua. We will be there just for a few days. On March 15th, We will race from Nicaragua down to Lima, Peru!!!!! Cheer on Team L.O.!!!!!!!!!

As iron sharpens Iron