Yesterday we took a ferry or slow boat over to the city of Livingston, Guatemala. Today we woke up here in Livingston. We have been blessed with a Nazarene church to pitch our tents in for the few nights. We will be here until thursday. Yesterday Clinton and I were walking down towards the beach when a man named Polo Martinez  stopped us. He asked us in a Jamaican accent, if we had any books he could have. I thought he was just some poor guy. We stayed and talked with him for quite some time. It tured out he is a well educated man who is known by everyone in the city. He knew many languages included english. He was more educated than Clinton and I combined. This man had gotten his degree over in Chicago. He has traveled all over the US. Yet has a heart for his people here in Livingston. He has his own business here. He runs a help center. Teaching laguages, music, etc. He also runs a food center that delivers food to the older community. This man has a heart for these people. After talking to him for a while, he siad c´mon, let me show you around. So we followed him all through the coumunity, to all the houses he delivers to.  Clinton asked him about the HIV here. Polo told us that 75% of his people were infected. Polo kept stopping as we walked. He was just so frustrated with having all the answers but no one would listen. He said, Sometimes i think i need Jesus Christ. This man was starting to realize he is carrying the burdens of his people. But he doesnt have to. Jesus will if he would just let him. We are hoping to meet up with Polo again before we leave. PLease pray for him and his salvaiton. God is working in ways we dont even know yet.

I love and miss you all so much.
