A lot of times we ask the Lord for certain things. Some selfish. Some, are things we actually need. For example: Lets say someone is in a marriage. They think things are going great. But one day the woman asks the Lord to take away all the lies from her life. Past and present. Unkown to her, the husband had been lieing to her for a while. So, the Lord takes him out of her life and they end up separating. Not what she asked for? Or was it?

Today as I was voulunteering over at a school, called The Gods Child Project, I was watching a bunch of children playing on the merry go round. One of my favorite things as a child. So i walk over and immediately, my size has qualified me to spin these little tykes around. They started yelling, More!!! and then Faster!!!! I said, ¨Are you sure?¨ they said, ¨Si!¨ So i said ok….!

So they all hopped on and loaded up.

¨you guys hanging on tight?¨ I yelled

Here we go!

So, as they continued to yell, ¨Mas rapido!!!¨ I gave them what they wanted! I this thing flying!! You can only imagine. I am surprised they didnt start flinging off one by one. But, all of a sudden, i hear a stop!!
So i yanked that thing to a screaming hault! Two boys came staggering off like a couple drunks.

This one lost his cookies, if you will, right behind this tree.

This one layed down as he called no joy.

Now i know you all are thinking that im the bad guy here. But just so you know, as they all walked away, even the two pukers thanked me so much for giving them what they asked for.

See, when the woman started out askng in the styory above, she had the same motive as the children. They wanted what they both asked for not knowing what the results would be. But in the end, even though it wasnt what they thought, they both thanked the giver for what they had done.

God is continuing to bless us like crazy! Continue to pray for the health of team L.O and that we continue to rock the world with the love of God!!!

I love you all and miss you so much!!! Let me know your reading these blogs! Thats a huge encouragement to me!

As Iron sharpens Iron