There are so many directions I could take this post…
This morning I've watched a high school commencement speech that was on the news and read some World Race blogs and they got me thinking…
What do I need for the World Race…
- to raise $31,000 for us to go
- a tent, clothes, cooking/eating gear, and various other supplies
- my passport, plane tickets, visas, lots of logistics to go right.
What do I need in life…
- A job, a house, clothes, food, a car?
- Love, family, success, happiness?
What is the difference between needs and wants…
- Some wants are easy to identify but I quickly blur the line between a need and a want. TV, movies, and all advertisements tell me I have lots of needs, but I hope the World Race will put this in perspective for me to what a NEED truly is.
I think the need that I have is to trust God that His word and His promises are true, because they are, he has proven that. As I’ve started his process of preparing for the World Race I can see the importance of that trust. When I get things out of perspective it gets overwhelming, stressful, and complicated. Yet, if I look at things knowing there is a Mighty God over it all, how trivial some of the stresses and complications become. I need a daily reminder of this to walk with God through all the trials of life. I can look to his promises being true not only in the bible but also in my life. He has brought me through my dad’s death at the age of 12 to be able to love on, communicate, and relate with other young men without fathers. He has walked me though my struggles and habits only to turnaround and place me in Celebrate Recovery where I can walk with others through their hurts, habits, and hang-ups. He has opened my heart to love that I might love others.
Thank you Lord for this reminder, that you have been there every step of the way. Take a minute to reflect on where he has brought you or maybe what he is currently going through with you. What we need is God and to place our trust in Jesus. He is enough! God is my provider, Jehovah Jireh!
The first thing I am trusting God and praying for is 75 people being able to partner with us at $25 a month. If that could be you please prayerfully consider it.