This Thanksgiving I had the blessing to spend the week with parts of my extended family in Flagstaff, Arizona.  My immediate family made the trip out west to celebrate this holiday with my brother’s in laws and it has been such a blessing.  Over the week, we have had great times together playing card games, watching movies, and just talking about future ideas.  Nicholas is my sister-in-law’s brother (I don’t think that’s any relation to me, but we’re still trying to figure out a title) and he is currently working his way through med school after finishing up his undergrad degree at Arizona State this spring.

I was really encouraged and challenged by my time with Nicholas because even though we may not agree on all of the world’s complexities, we have similar drives to make things happen.  Since I returned home the first time in May, I had an idea for a small business and I’ve thought a ton about it, but wasn’t challenged to do that much until this week with Nicholas.  While we were sitting down awaiting dinner one night, he came up with this idea for a small business of his own.  The next two days were a blur as he brainstormed, developed a brand, and a mission statement to get this thing started.
As I watched him get passionate about this idea, it challenged me to start acting on my own.  I felt like such a part of his brainstorming as he let all the family weigh in on every decision leading up to the initial development.  Because of how passionate and driven he was about this idea, everyone in the room felt like they had a part in it.  Because Nicholas is in school, this idea will take a minor role to his education, at least until another break.  But I’ve learned that once you get passionate about an idea, it’s hard to not focus on it at times.
Today, I just want you all to be thankful for the way your mind works and the ideas or dreams that are up there.  Nicholas and I operate and think very differently and I’m super thankful that I was able to dream with him for a little bit.  You all have just as much to offer and it just takes someone pushing you to get passionate about it.  I was inspired this week to continue my pursuit of this idea I have, and I want to pass that along to you all.  
What can you do now to pursue passion?  What needs to take a back seat so you can take the risk on your dream?  I guess with all the voices of practicality floating around that remind you of all the dangers, there needs to be a few that call out the risks.  Those dreams aren’t there to entertain you, they’re there to make you can do something.