Over the last several months, I have had the blessing to be a part of a ton of ministries.  One of the first ones that I fell in love with was the jail.  The visionary behind this ministry is one of the most quiet spirit guys I have met.  Well, I call him a quiet spirit, but he’s a totally different person when he begins to preach and talk about the Word and person of God.  This is a passionate man that has launched the ministry that I am so passionate about and Juby has been an excellent partner to come alongside.

When we first walked to the jail back in March, Juby told me about his vision to do church services with each cell and how he was excited to launch the first one with Cell 1.  He also told me how after just a few short weeks, a couple of men within that cell were interested in Bible school and joining Juby.  As of now, Juby is taking time off of seminary because he has to work for his education.  On top of seminary and the jail, Juby has also partnered with a Canadian missionary to go into the tribal areas and learn their culture and language.  Despite being the same nationality, Juby has found that these tribal people have totally different cultures and languages from himself.
During the last couple of months, I have watched Juby work so hard to provide for himself and all along, he is praising God that God would give him the gifts and the talents to be able to provide for his needs.  Even in the face of his humble upbringing and surroundings, Juby considers himself a blessed man because of the ministry that he gets to be a part of.  He knows that in order to be a full time pastor, he needs to finish his seminary schooling, but that doesn’t mean he has to just sit back and wait.  Juby has taken this semester off to focus on his ministry outside of school so that he will not forget why he’s longing to do seminary in the first place.
All this has culminated in something that happened yesterday in the jail that I will tell you about in this next blog.  But yesterday, I was able to hear about Juby and a little more on his background and upbringing.  Juby is a good man that will lead many to the Lord because of his service and willingness to go wherever, whenever…