So sometimes the idea of me and too much free time can be a bad combination.  I very rarely get bored, I just have very different ways of entertaining myself.  My favorite thing to do lately is to drive out to Barnes and Noble with a book and just park it on the tables outside.  It’s very rare that I actually open my book because I’m “that guy” who’s just looking for a conversation.  Please spare the boos because I know we all hate “that guy“, but it has just been an amazing way to start conversations with people.  Over the last week I have talked to a self-proclaimed racist bigot from New York (not my words), a girl that told me I couldn’t be more of a contrast to her, a few stay at home moms, and several college students.
I have loved doing this because not only do I get to hear some amazing stories, but the question that never fails to come up is, “So what do you do for a living?”  Can I just say that I have grown to LOVE answering this question.  My short answer is, “I travel the world and share the love of Jesus that can’t just be talked about, it has to be experienced.”  I usually like to leave it at that and just wait for a response.  It’s almost funny to see the different reactions that people have when they realize I’m not kidding.  I can’t say that I’ve lead anyone to Christ with this technique, but I’ve had some really cool conversations.
The other day I was with a friend getting some coffee and I decided to start a conversation with the girl fixing our drinks.  Oh, if you get nervous talking to random people, here’s tip number 1: people love to talk about themselves, start there (but please don’t ask creepy questions).  We were having a nice conversation, well after our drinks were already made and delivered when my friend told me to stop flirting and move away.  My only response was “So what if I love my barista (the person that makes the coffee for those that don’t know)?”  The conversation ended soon after because something “more important” all of a sudden came up in the back (I tend to have that effect on women, it’s a gift).  But I say all that because it’s been really fun to talk with people that may “disagree” with me, but still just have a good conversation without the “gloves coming off“.
So I usually have some big, profound point at the end of my  blogs, but this ridiculous rambling is to tell you guys to go and talk to the world.  This site is titled “no rock should cry“, because WE should be the voices that are used.  I start my Junior High services the same way; I make them have a one minute conversation with someone new every week.  If we can’t talk to each other, how can we talk to the world?  Go and have conversations.  You never know what doors will open up.