Does anyone else not understand why we hide the eggs for Easter and what that has to do with Jesus?
I thought that it is kind of funny……
Usually a typical Easter would consist of the usual family hang out at the Grandma’s house. The  three of us girls would sit around. Watching…. as the littler kids hunt the Easter eggs all the while wishing that we were 6 again. Too old to hunt for eggs yet not old enough to engaged in adult conversation much less be interested in it. 
This year was a little different. While I did miss seeing some of my family I was able to participate in the famous hunt. This hunt was alot different then usual. As creative as my Mom is (which is a lot) we were able to enjoy an amazing Treasure hunt. And yes there were eggs in the final treasure. 
Racing…(well it wasn’t suppose to be a race, but you know) around town searching for the next clue. With each clever clue our thinking caps had to be used to figure out where to go next. With each station we had to find that little treasure box that would keep us going. 10 clues equaled 5 hours but I wouldn’t give any minute of it. It was a great time that I spent with some of the older cousins as we worked together.
At one part of the race we found something that was part of something called Geo-Caching. It is a world wide hunt using longitude and latitude in your GPS for little boxes with small to large rewards in them. We actually found one on accident, which was a highlight of the trip. My cousin Ronnie signed our name THE. Treasure Hunt Easter, but when he actually realize it spelled the. He put a Starbucks card enough for a drink and placed it back. A great find that made the trip all the more exciting.
It really wasn’t about the simple treasure that we found but more about the fun that we all had together. Hopefully every year we will be able to have more treasure hunts to enjoy…..
Ahhhh….the simplicities of life!
Oh and Happy Easter!
Love, Love V