may be a bold statement, but as of now Ukraine is in the running for one of my
favorite months of this trip.  Kiev,
which is pronounced Keev to the locals, is a beautiful city with a rich history
and amazing architecture. 

                We are
working with CCX, which is pronounced S-S-Ha, which is similar to Intervarsity
in the US.  They primarily minister to
university students, in the city of Kiev. 
It’s a very relational ministry where we attend English clubs.  There we talk to students and allow them to
ask us questions about our trip.  Not
only does this give the students a chance to practice their conversational
English, but it also gives us a chance to share what God has done in our trip
and in us.  Also a bonus is that they
also ask us similar questions that we’ll be asked when we get home, so we’re
practicing for that as well.  Also on
Friday nights they have a movie night where the English students watch a
popular American movie.  From the movie
they practice vocabulary words and have discussion questions to make sure they
understood the movie.  It’s definitely a
ministry that seems like too much fun to be ministry, but it’s also a ministry
where I wish I wasn’t an introvert.  I
love talking to the students and pouring into them, and I also love this city
they just exhaust me.

                On the
ATL front, it’s looking like Team Manna minus one will be going to Croatia to
work with physically and mentally challenged men and women.  Apparently the center is completely
understaffed and there are people there that haven’t seen the sun in
years.  It sounds like an intense
ministry, but one that will be good to end our trip on.  Also, yes you read correctly.  Team Manna will be down a team mate on our
last month.

                God has
been really raising up prophetic worship leaders in our squad this year.  So in our last month H-Squad will have a 9th
team that will go to Berlin and work with Burn 24-7.  They’ll lead prophetic worship for them and
for some of their contacts in the area. 
Steph Pridgen felt God calling her to this ministry.  And while she’ll be sorely missed, we’re all
excited at what God is doing.

                So as
you can tell, this has been a very busy week. 
After a stressful travel time, to get here and set up housing and
ministry here, do our ministry and then work on transportation, housing and
ministry for next month as well…I need a day off!  Which is what I’m getting today, and it is
glorious!  Thank you for your continuous
prayers and support.  Please continue to
pray for all of us for this month, next month and as God prepares us to go