I sat in the recliner bemoaning my current digestive state today I decided to watch Invictus. It made me miss South Africa. It also made me consider how easy it is for us to see others as our enemies because of physical characteristics or nationalities.
“I can’t trust him because he’s Middle Eastern and is probably linked to terrorism…”
“Someone had better keep an eye on him because he is black, and you know they are always looking for trouble…”
“Those white people will smile and shake hands with you and then turn around and stab you in the back…”
“Watch out for the Russian girl, she is probably a communist spy…”
 For me I understand how people can become frightened of one people
group or another. I remember my first flight alone was from North
Carolina to California just a month after 9/11. I admit that I watched
very carefully the Middle Easterners that were aboard my flight.
We like to make enemies out of people. It is a lot easier than recognizing and handling the spiritual reality.
“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers,
against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and
against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Ephesians 6:12
After you travel the world and get to know people you find people are people. They come in different shapes, sizes, colors, and accents but they are still created by God, loved by God and should therefore be loved by us.
One of my last days in Haiti as I sat in the back of the truck on top of food and my luggage, I also sat with my camera. Out of nowhere a man ran up and tried to wrestle it out of my hands. I yanked my arm back as Geftay hit the guy and Samuel lunged for him. He ran off empty handed.
I wasn’t scared. I really wasn’t even surprised. 
Some people would point to that and say, “Ah ha, I knew Haiti is a dangerous place to go.” or “I would never trust those Haitians. Did you hear what happened to Steph?”
 In perspective however… you can be white and be robbed by a white person in the middle of the day in your local town. It happens. Also in perspective, I’ve done enough travel to know never to have something valuable out in the open when you are in a crowded area anywhere in the world. That was my own stupidity.
I also know that the guy was probably hungry and saw it as an opportunity to provide a meal for himself and his family. Yeah it is wrong but I really cannot blame him.
My fight wasn’t against this guy over my camera. It was fight against the darkness of fear, poverty, etc.
Are there stereotypes or fears you find in your own mind? We all have them. The biggest ones I fight are how I see Americans. Remember God did not give us a spirit of fear. Our struggles with others is really a spiritual battle that is manifested in a physical reality.

Only two weeks until I am supposed to leave…. 

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Memo: Ukraine