A little over a week ago I left Gainesville, GA.

The weekend found me in Montgomery, AL to celebrate Blair’s birthday
and hang out with a fourth of H squad, where we enjoyed a party bus
limo, corn hole and a ton of food.

Monday night I slept in Dallas, TX with Jen Den only to awake the next
morning and have breakfast at Cafe Brazil with Tonya, David Matthew and
his brother Cameron.

By Tuesday afternoon Kim, Jenni and I arrived in Oklahoma City to hang
out with Cameron and his family for a few days. More amazing food plus
live jazz plus Cuppies and Joe and a long list of other things later it
is a little sad to leave.

In about two hours we will leave to take Jenni to the airport to head
down to Haiti. Kim and I will travel on to spend a little time at
IHOP-KC and then on to Indianapolis.

In short I am on an indefinite road trip with Kim (that is until she
takes me back to GA). After more prayer and listening (sometimes it
happens) it seems Haiti is not where I am meant to be right now.
Ukraine is on my radar for July to help with CCX. Honestly no matter where I am or what I am doing that is the only thing that actually makes sense to me and is constantly on my brain.
But for the moment it seems I am indefinitely wandering.