Hello Everyone!

This is a very short update to let you all know that team “Increase” and myself have made it to Costa Rica and are safe and sound.  The other 6 teams will be in Nicaragua for the month.  I’m in La Carpio, San Jose, in the middle of the country. We are living in the center of a giant squatter camp in a slum area.  We are living in what is like a “community center” for kids.  A safe place where kids can come to be kids.  We’re doing all kinds of things; construction, teaching, playing with the kids and getting to know them.  And anything else our contacts need help with!  There is so much more we will be doing.  We love it here!  It’s very humbling but already the kids have won us over!! Our Contacts are amazing and we all feel lucky to be here with them!
I have VERY limited internet due to my living situation! There just isn’t internet.  I’ll do the best I can to keep you all up to date!
Love you all!  Thank you for all your love and support!