This is from the blog of Rusty Jackson, a friend of mine who is the squad leader of a team currently in Africa.  They where just robbed at gun point.  Please read and pray for this team!


Two nights ago my squad and I were robbed at gunpoint in the hostel we were staying at in Johannesburg, South Africa. First and foremost nobody got hurt! Praise God we are all alive and safe! However, we got tons of stuff jacked from us. So here is the email I just sent out to the parents of my team.

Dear World Race parents,

First off I want to apologize to ya’ll for just now getting in touch with you. The last couple days have been hectic and stressful to say the least. And my TOP priority has been getting the squad moved out of the hostel and into a location where the folks can feel safe. Not to mention, some of us have been scrambling to get new passports and visas for our upcoming trip to India. So thank you very much for your patience in all this. I can’t even imagine the worry ya’ll must have been going thru and are still going through.

I’m sure you have heard all sorts of things about what happened two nights ago, so let me just give you the facts. Tuesday afternoon the whole squad, minus Patrice’s team, (Patrice, Nate, Angie, Andi and Jen) arrived at The Brown Sugar Hostel in Johannesburg.

I realize it’s got a funny name, but the hostel is not in a bad part of Jo’Burg plus we have stayed there three different times while in Africa. So I felt safe about bringing the team here. Anyway, around 8p that evening probably four, maybe five men came into the hostel armed with pistols and told everyone to get on their face in the lounge area. That’s where about 12 of us were and the rest of the squad was being held in their dorm room.

Guns were pointed at people, threats were made, but NO ONE was physically harmed. Praise the Lord! However, LOTS of our stuff was taken: cash, cameras, computers, passports, phones, clothes, IPOD’s, etc. I’d say the whole thing lasted about 20 minutes. As soon as it was over, the first thing we did was to make sure everyone was OK. Then we started taking an inventory of what was taken, I called AIM, and then people began calling and canceling cards. So anyway, things are just now settling down.

Just so you know, I got the squad at a missionary base an hour away from Jo’Burg. Luckily, when we get to India our team coaches Michael and Kathy Hindes will be there to help us process thru everything. Believe me, we are taking this matter seriously and we do understand the need for counseling at this time.

Now speaking of India, those that needed new passports got them and the whole squad has its visas. So, we will fly out in two groups this weekend: Me, Magen, Caroline, Patrice, Meredith, Nate, Sarah, Jen, Kim, Kelton, Gretchen, Teagan and Laura will leave Friday and Mark, Robby, Steve, Eli, Matt Peters, Matt Snyder, Angie, Ruby, Andi, Michelle, Becky and Tammy will fly out Saturday.

Again thank you for your patience. I love each one of your kids so much and their safety and well-being is my main concern. So if ya’ll have any questions please email me or our team coach Michael. His email is [email protected].

Here’s a list of my personal losses:
1. Laptop computer
2. Bible
3. Journal
5. Two cell phones
6. Passport
7. Credit card and two bank cards
8. 100 USD cash
Plus some other small items that were in my small backpack.
“What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ”
– Philippians 3:8
Glory be to Christ Jesus, the name above ALL names!