I’m five months into this thing called the world race.   I remember when we started the race and met the January teams in Africa.  At that point they had already been on the “race” for five months.  In two weeks we rejoin them in China to say farewell as they have finished their year and travel back to America.  Now we are five months into the race.  Where has the time gone?

It’s at this point that I feel like God is telling me something profound in my walk with Him.  I feel like God has been saying, yet again, “Choose.”  “Choose me over the noise of how things are supposed to be.  Choose me over the noise of comfortably that is found in an uncomfortable place.  Remember to choose your time wisely; know that I desire to spend it with you.  Choose intimacy over everything else!  Remember the basics; surrender, faith, and love. Remember what I brought you out of and what I told I’m going to do with you.”

(Journal entry)—-“God restored His union.  The union between the creator(God) and the created(me).  The wombs became healed.  He tore down the walls we call boundaries, that we call division, that we call religion.  He invaded my way of thinking, invaded my way of seeing Him, invaded the way it ought to be, invaded the way it used to be. I let go! A new seed of revelation was planted.  A fire has been ignited in my spirit, a fire that will not go out!  I can say with clarity that I’m no-longer me and I thank God for it!”

I didn’t take a “year off” to see the world!  But sometimes when I look around at my sisters and brothers, more importantly at my actions, it can feel that way.  Sometimes I want to yell, “Is this it?  Am I being the change I expect my generation to be?”  The hard answer is, No!  But the greater truth is I refuse not to be.

“Jesus I remember all the things that you’ve done through me for your glory and the only reason why I mention it is because you deserve all the praise!  On April 18th I wrote in my blog, “I feel led to share these accounts as a testimony to Gods glory, mercy, love, and awesome power.   Some of what you’re about to read has yet to pass.   That is why I’m excited to tell you these things.   Because when they do come to pass you will know that it was done in the name of Jesus.”

“Jesus you’ve already fulfilled your promises. You have used my hands for healings/ miracles. From time to time you put a tangible fire in my spirit so intense that I have to speak.  If I were not to speak I feel it would be a sin because I know the words are not for me- simply put, you have given me prophetic words! You’ve already done it- that of which I spoke of months prior, you have fulfilled, and it’s still happeneing”

That’s a Selah… Praise you Father!

Why then, do I feel like I’ve forgotten?  Can I really forget the touch of God?  Can I really forget all that he has done and all that he has promised me!  I refuse to forget.  I’m 5 months into the race, but it’s not about the race.  I’m not in a phase of travel that I need to get out my system before I “settle down;” a phase that many young adolescents are in at my age.  I’m past that phase!  This is serious business! This is life or death! The awakening has begun in me and I’m committed.  “I’m not content Father!  I have already felt who you are and have seen your hand move before my eyes.  I’m discontent because I want more of you and nothing else.  I want revival but I know it starts with me.  God I desire a massive out pouring of your spirit and love that the world has yet to see.  Let the five fold go in unprecedented form. Give me a revival spirit; I desire revival wisdom, passion, and love!” 

Jesus said, “I tell you the truth unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed.  But if it dies, it produces many seeds.  The man who loves his life will loose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.” John 12:24-25 I ask myself, “have I died completely to my self?”  The truth is, not completely.  I believe God is saying, “Step it up Sean.  If you don’t you’ll be fine, you’re still in my will, but I have a higher will for you!  You want revival but it starts with you!”  The Good news is I choose the higher will.  My actions during these next six months will be my testament to this choice. 

Can I reach into the future as I did on April 18th and speak what is to come?  I proclaim that by the end of these six months I will be able to testify to the higher will I have spoken of, and that you the reader, whoever you are, will know it has come to pass.  Like a warrior being fitted for battle I am being made ready for something that has yet to come, I just don’t know what it is at this point-I’m not yet ready -but I will be!  There are new dreams, new visions, new prophecy, new wonders, a new out pouring for this generation… it’s on the horizon!  Father, let there be a revival of my spirit!  Praise you that it has begun!”

The rambling heart of an uncensored life!