Dear Friends and Family,

During the next several weeks I will be in a closed Asian country.  A closed country can be defined as a country that persecutes Christians.  For the safety of the team and for the safety of the Christians living in the country we cannot disclose what country, city, or town we will be in.  Additionally I wont be able to share most of my pictures online. The threat that most Christians face in this country is imprisonment.  We really don’t face this threat- we would just be kicked out the country.  However we don’t want to endanger our contacts so we must be careful. We just want to protect those we come to serve.  Please don’t worry we will be safe!

For this reason I will not be able to e-mail or be in contact by phone during my entire stay in the country.  The place we’re going to has hired an additional .5 million people to solely monitor phones, e-mail, and other various forms of communication.  In total there are over 1.5 million people who’s sole job is to monitor for people like us.

I have just arrived in a neighboring country, and will be here for the next five days.  I haven’t been in the best of touch with all of you but know that I pray and think of you all often.

Please pray for me, and don’t worry, there is no safer place to be in the will of God!

I will post one more blog before I leave so stay tuned,
Much Love!