This month my team is located in Kiev, Ukraine.  We are working with an organization called CCX (prounounced S-S-Ha).  It is a Christian organization that reaches out to University students.  We are speaking in classes, helping with English clubs, distributing fliers, hanging out with students, hosting movie clubs, and helping with special events. 
Last Saturday we participated in Photo Quest.  It was a fun scavenger hunt type of event.  However, instead of bringing back items, we were taking photos of whatever was on our list of tasks.  It was a great time with students.  There were four people from my team and about 15 students who participated.  I wanted to share some pictures from the event.  My team consisted of myself, Kristen, Denis, Sasha, and Katya.  We had more tasks than we were able to complete in the allotted time, but some tasks included: wearing masks, only one body different part touching the ground for each person, dressing ukrainian national costume, finding someone who looks like you, finding a place where you can learn about your identity, holding an item that represents a sub-culture in society, acting like spies at McDonalds, and performing on stage in a specified park.  Enjoy the photos!