Hello All! Sorry for getting this update out late… I realize it’s almost mid-November.  Once again I want to thank all of you who have contributed with both prayer and finances to this mission trip. I would also like to give a special thanks to those who have pledged and been faithfully giving on the pledges you made. I think that is SO awesome! I know that I personally would have a hard time remember to contribute every month and it means so much to me that you have been faithful with your commitment.

As you can see from the financial breakdown below, I still have quite a ways to go to raise the funds I need for the trip. In the October newsletter, I had $9,720 represented in my account and now, one month later, I have $9,920.  This is progress, but slow progress.   

Updates                                                               Financial Breakdown

Last Movie Night:                                                         In Account:                   $6,150
Raised $70                                                                   In Pledges:                    $3,770
                                                                                         Total:                            $9,920
Future Movie Nights:
Sunday November 23rd

Friday December 12th

A Call to Action

As you may know, time is getting short. It’s already mid-November and I am leaving the country in less than two months. In the meantime, I am in the process of purchasing gear, insurance, vaccinations, etc for my trip as well as selling, storing, or packing my things and preparing to drive back to Kansas for Christmas before my departure. Needless to say, I do not have much time left to fundraise. As much as it is difficult for me to do this, I have to humble myself and ask for help.

I know that many of you have already financial contributed and I am very thankful. I also know that not everyone is in a position where they can contribute in that way. So, I would like to ask that each one of you would prayerfully consider supporting me by talking to your church about my mission trip and seeing whether or not they would be willing to support me and/or also consider doing a fundraiser on my behalf.

Truthfully, I am exhausted just thinking about everything I need to do before I leave. As much as I would like to just put on my cape and be the Super Sammie version of Superman, this is not what God is asking me to do. For some people, traveling to third world countries or leaving behind their family and friends for a year is scary. But for me, I knew from the beginning that support-raising is what would take me out of my comfort zone. I have always been someone who has taken pride, yes pride, in being independent and self-sufficient. I’m not saying that I don’t trust God, but I am saying that I prefer to be able to rely on myself and not others. God is stretching me here. I am honored that God has chosen me to go on this mission trip and serve Him and his children in this way. But, I need your help.  Please prayerfully consider helping me in this way.
Thank you again for all you guys have done to support me with your prayers and finances and encourage me in following God’s leading in my life.