Since I know so many of you love pictures I am just going to post a bunch of pictures on here and tell you a bit about each and then let your imagination do the rest.  My team heads out to live with the Turkana Tribe this week, pray that the Gospel will be preached and that lives WILL BE SAVED FOR THE GLORY OF GOD!!!

This is my Kenya Real Life team with our Maasai friends.  We were able to live with them for a week, it was incredible! 
This is Elizabeth, while we were praying for her and her daughter in her home she yanked the Maasai bracelet in the next picture off of our translators wrist and put soap and water on my wrist so that she could fit it on me.  It was such an honor to be given a genuine Maasai bracelet.
Above are all picture from out trip to the Maasai tribe.
This is our team with the mother and father of Seth Barnes, they volunteer in Kijabe at the hospital.
Each Wednesday we visit the Christian hospital here in Kijabe. 
These are my two favorite patients, left is Jacinta and right is Sophia.  They share a room and I call it the JOY room!!
This is Jao, he is a child at the Internally Displaced Peoples Camp that we minister at on Saturdays.
This is Liz and Jenna preaching to the women of the IDP camp about community and prayer.
Two other amazing children at the IDP camp.
This is what the area that I live in looks like, BEAUTIFUL!!!
I hope you have enjoyed these pictures, have an amazing week!