John 8:32, “and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” ESV
   Last night, Teri and I were running around Vienna just checking out some of the cool scenery and simply being random.  We got off the metro at random spots and checked out what was in that area.  Then we hopped back on the metro and went to another spot.  By around 10:00 PM we were both kinda hungry and thirsty, so we stopped at a street vendor and got a slice of pizza and a water/Coke.  As we sat down to enjoy our 3 euro meal, we began talking about the importance of confession and being vulnerable with Christian brothers and sisters.  If we refuse to open up to fellow Christians (or at least somebody) we miss out on so much growth and intimacy, even with God.  The conversation soon moved to our call as Christians to always walk in truth.  Truth, not lies.  As Christians we are COMMANDED not to lie.  I then posed the question, “What would life be like if everyone was totally open and honest, and could not (or would not) lie?”  What if no one lied?  What if everyone were honest?
    If truth brings freedom, lies then bring captivity.  All those in the captivity of lies would be freed by this astounding presence of truth.  How many of the world’s problems would be solved just by eliminating dishonesty and letting the spirit of truth reign?  How would the absence of lies and dishonesty change the way you act, if you were unable to lie?  How would it change the behavior of the world?
     Gandhi once said “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”  In light of that, let us look, not at the whole world, but at the church.  What if we were unable to lie?  We should be already.  But just imagine if the church (all believers) would live without lies and dishonesty.  What if we kept that command?  It would be ugly at first.  Even more with absolute honesty.  My pastor, Rod Cooper, once said that if we could see each others thoughts, we would all ban one another from the building, and he would be fired, then banned.  Why?  This begs to wonder, what if we met honesty with love and grace, as we are also called to do?  THEN how much freedom would be in the church?  At that point, how would it affect the world?  Do we want change?  Be the change.  What kind of revolution and revival would it bring if we started keeping only one commandment?  If you started keeping it?  If I started keeping it?  What if?  What if? 
The ball is in our court.  I dare you to move.