Here is the other half of Teri Gunnink’s blog on God guiding Team Manna to Vienna.

We were met in Vienna with very cold, wet weather. Not ideal
when you have nowhere to go. We made our way to the train station and decided
to pray about where God wanted us to go and what he wanted us to do. After two
different sessions in prayer I felt God telling us to buy a SIM card and
minutes for our cell phone and to make our way to the Mercy House of Prayer.

I also, again, heard the Dido song except this time I heard
more of it. I heard “And I want to thank you for giving me the best day of YOUR life.” Yes I know it is supposed to say ‘best day
of MY life” but God was singing it and He wanted us to give Him today and He
would bless it and make it the best day of our lives.

Two hours later we arrived at the Mercy House of Prayer.
They would not be there until 10am so we had a few hours to wait. Tim and
Sammie went to get the phone card while the rest of us waited.

Around 9:30 they arrived and we entered their room. We were
informed that they have 2 hours of prayer and worship that was completely led
by the Lord and what He wanted to do, so we joined them. After prayer we talked with the lady in
charge, Vicki, who just happened to be wearing red and blue…

Bekah, who had seen the vision of the woman in red and blue
told Vicki that she felt we were led to encourage her. Immediately Vicki’s
demeanor changed. She told us that
when she had received the email that she was not thrilled at the prospect of
another team. So when she saw us
at the door that morning she was not all that excited.

Tim had some words of encouragement and Vicki shared with us
that a Bible verse Tim had read during prayer and worship was exactly what she
had needed to hear. We prayed with her and another girl there and God really
used my teammates to pray prayers that Vicki needed prayed. After prayer Vicki
disappeared and then returned with 110 Euros for us. She told us she felt led
by God to give us the money for lodging tonight. (Keep in mind that its $1.5
USD to 1 Euro, so things are expensive for us and this amount equals $165).

Another lady who was there and heard our story asked for our
cell phone number and told us that she would call us if she felt God leading
her to help us in any way. If we hadn’t gotten the SIM card this would not have
been possible.

From there we had to part ways with Vicki with the promise
of seeing her Thursday night at prayer and worship. We had information for a
hostel that was just in budget and headed to it. Upon arrival God blessed us
again. They had 1 room that housed 6 beds on the ground floor. We have 6
people, 1 of which has a hurt ankle. We entered the room to find that it had
its own bathroom and is perfect for us to do our team debrief in! With the
money Vicki gave us we should be on the track to staying in budget this week here
in Vienna.

 Today was a HUGE day for me. God has never felt as real to
me as He has today. Just to see His hand guiding us from the very first time we
prayer and got the vision for this lady. While it was sad to end our ministry
in Croatia I am so excited for what God has for us here in Vienna. It is
already evident that this is exactly where He wants us.

Its truly amazing what God can do in us and
through us if we are simply obedient to His word. He wants to bless us
and others, all we have to do is listen and obey!