So this is the part where I’m supposed
to write about what I expect this trip is going to be like. Frankly
not any easy task. I really didn’t want to just make a list of what
I expect will happen and what I don’t but after sitting here staring
blankly at the computer for a while it’s starting to look more and
more appealing. The thing is is that I really don’t know what to
expect. Sure I’ve heard all kinds of stories from people who have
worked in some of the countries we will be going to. Children in
Africa made orphans due to AIDS. Still other children in Thailand
who are bought and sold as part of the sex trade. People all over
the world longing to be shown the slightest bit of compassion and
others who have given up hoping all together.

You wana know what I expect? I expect
in some ways this trip is really going to mess me up inside. I can’t
imagine going on a journey like this and not having your heart just
completely broken when the people you always hear about go from being
a story you heard once to being a living breathing person siting next
to you. What is that like? What does it do to how you see the
world? I’d like to say I had a nice long list of things I’m
expecting like how by the end of this trip I will probably have about
5 or 6 more people that I consider family or that about half way
through the trip I will get fed up with shaving and return looking
like the world traveler version of Grizzly Adams. Ok maybe I do have
a couple but when I seriously think about it I really just have more
questions. How will God use me? Why has He chosen this path for me?
What will I learn from all this? In the end I may never get all the
answers I’m looking for but I rather doubt I will ever forget the