Our first day off, Kagan had the whole day planned for us and we were looking forward to be out exploring Cambodia. The first stop was Daughters of Cambodia. It’s a coffee shop/nail salon where girls are rescued from the sex industry and are given the opportunity to earn money for their families while also learning about Jesus. This is my dream but that’s a blog for another time. The next stop was dinner at a Mexican restaurant and ended the night going to see Million Dollar Arm at the movie theater. Which by the way was such a good movie. We felt connected to the movie because we had been to India and we understood all of it. We were heading home in our tuk tuk (like an open carriage pulled by a motorcycle) and then it happened…

The rest of the team was ahead of us and our driver started to slow down. There weren’t many cars on the road so I don’t know why he slowed down, but whatever. I turned around to see what was going on and I saw the other tuk tuk turn right which is how I knew where we were supposed to go. We came to the end of the street and Stephie screamed. I turned to look and there were headlights coming right for us. He looked like he was going to continue going through the round about, but decided to take a wide turn at the last moment. I whispered “Jesus” and braced myself for impact. The car was coming straight for our driver. The car swerved at the last minute and his mirror clipped the tuk tuk and swiped the back. The mirror came off hit Kagans ankle that was hanging out and kept going. There was screaming and Kagan thought her legs were gone and she started to go into shock. I will say I never want to see someone panic like that again, it was so scary! We embraced her and tried to calm her down and started praying. All of us were shaken up and the driver was so concerned. People started to gather so we told the driver to just go. God literally sent us an angel that night. We were trying to take care of Kagan and couldn’t figure out the way home like we normally would. This man comes out of no where on a motorcycle who is translating between us and the driver. He would drive ahead to make sure everything was clear and come back to check on us. When we finally made it to our street we went to thank him and he was gone. The only injuries received was a minor fracture on Kagan’s ankle. Jesus made our tuk tuk slow down earlier because if we hadn’t then we all would have been seriously injured, if not dead. Sounds morbid but that was how serious it was. Jesus didn’t bring us this far on the race for us to be seriously injured.

I learned so much from Him this night. He taught me that we were saved because he has better plans for us on this race and in our futures. He also showed me how I trust Him in the little things and could talk about the timing of everything that night, but when it came to praying about big dreams and trusting Him with big things I don’t trust Him. He said I am too hesitant and I was trying to keep Him at arms length so I was comfortable. I’m in the middle of reading Circle Maker by Mark Batterson and it’s about praying for big dreams then already thanking Him before they happen. It’s about having a bolder prayer life so you can be more dependent on Him. I’ve come to the realization that I’m afraid to pray big prayers and trusting Him for big things because I am afraid of what may happen. Nothing bad can come out of praying boldly so I have now begun to pray more bold prayers and God is starting to show up in bigger ways. It’s scary, but will be so worth it one day!

Don’t be afraid to pray bold and pray big…that’s a challenge for you and for me.