Let’s just say India is not like any other place I’ve ever seen or heard of.  Anything you could think of about America, it’s the complete opposite. We eat with our hand (make sure it’s your right) and sitting on the floor. Beef is an absolute no no. Cows are holy here and they have the right of way in the streets. There are no traffic light or signs so its pretty much do what you want when driving. I have been scared for my life several times, but its still fun riding in the tuk tuks. You can’t look men in the eye or mile at them because they think you are flirting with them.  There is no such thing as buying already cut chicken in the store (at least where we are), you have to kill your own chicken if you want it. When they say not spicy, still be prepared for your lips to be on fire. For a shower you use a bucket and water. And for a toilet you gotta squat down to the ground and hope you aim right haha. Indians are the most hospitable people I have ever met. They don’t let you sit on the floor except for meals, they will find a chair for you or give you theirs. When you pray for people they try to pay you or they will have cookies and soda for you. On their birthday they give you candy. And they always love to make sure you are full, the food doesn’t stop lol

My team and I have been doing village ministry with Covenant Children’s Homes here in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Mondays and Tuesdays are our days off in the city and the rest of the week we head out to different villages. The homes consist of a pastor, his wife, their children, and 5/10 adopted children who either have 1 or both parents who have passed away. The family lives on the 1st level and upstairs is the church which is where we sleep. Or you can take the adventurous route and sleep in your tent on the roof like I did. My week consists of loving on the children and the pastor/his wife, village outreach, planting gardens, cooking with the pastor’s wife, and praying for people. Last week we had a dance party almost every night with the girls and learned how to dance to Indian worship music. I had a blast with those girls!!!  One night during our village ministry we were praying in one house and this little old lady literally pulled me out of the house and down the stairs with such excitement on her face. I’ll admit I was a little scared because I didn’t know what was happening, but she just wanted us to pray blessings over her. If only we all could have excitement like; her there’s no telling how we could change this world upside down for Jesus. Things can be a little frustrating with the language barrier and things not going as planned, but on the world race you learn how to be flexible. On Friday nights we have a service and we all share our testimonies or share how God has been working in our lives. I have really been relying on the Lord especially when it comes to speaking because sometimes you find out 15 minutes before church starts that we all are preaching and not just one of us like we thought.  What God has been teaching me this month is continued patience in His timing. So many times I find myself asking why I’m doing this ministry here in India because there is so much down time during the day when the kids are at school and we find ourselves doing our own thing or taking a nap.  I tell myself that I did not save/raise $16000 to sit here and sleep. But during the day God wants us to minister to the pastor and his wife or just go out in the village and pray for people or continue to bond with my team. He said to me that He has me right where He wants me and to be patient and rest in Him. 

If you ever question why you are where you are or why you are going through what you are going through, God has you there for a reason and blessing will be soon to follow. Be patient, rest in Him, and trust that something better will come!

Thank you all for your continued prayer and support. I would not have made it here without your help. I love and miss you all dearly!!