Picture living on the top of a mountain and looking out to beautiful, green, rolling hills accompanied by the sound of a waterfall and the view of a gorgeous windy river. That is the view surrounding El Shaddai. This place is absolutely amazing and you can tell without a doubt that God’s hands are all over it! El Shaddai started 14 years ago with only 400 rand ($40 USD) and it’s still going strong. There were no roads leading to to top of the mountain and when God said go and do He provided every step of the way.

B-squad was supposed to be at El Shaddai at this exact time of the year. Before our route changed we would have been in Swaziland in March instead of February, but God’s timing is perfect. Before we arrived, one of their big sponsors stopped supporting because they started their own non-profit organization. So us being there this month allowed them to purchase food to feed the children. During our time there it was discovered that some of the children were being abused by their teachers so Charmaine (director) put the school in a lockout for 1 day. The safety of the children is more important than their education. Charmaine also has some personal things happening in her life as well. We were able to assist in getting a garden started so they have veggies. We weeded the corn field so the corn can continue to grow for eating purposes. Male pigs were castrated so they can be future food for the children. Painting, cleaning, piping, teaching, building, etc. was also completed this month. Our squad has been blessed by some amazing prayer warriors and us being there put a shift in the spiritual atmosphere at the top of that mountain. I personally experienced it myself. I was in a very discontented state when we arrived and just felt totally numb from the Holy Spirit which was really quite frustrating for me. I connect the most with the Lord when I’m out in nature and I felt nothing. A lot of people were having very unusual dreams and seeing things that were put of the norm. I felt things and did see things as well…one night I was sitting on the rock with a teammate just talking to one another and I kept looking out and seeing shadows in the dark. I didn’t say anything about it because I thought it was my mind messing with me so I ignored it. The same teammate and I were talking a few days later and she brought up that another squad mate had seen the same thing. So it wasn’t my mind, it was satan’s spirits circling El Shaddai. The cool thing is that the orphanage is surrounded by barbed-wire and the spirits were outside of the barbed-wire. God has so anointed and set that place apart that no spirits can attack directly. As our time went on the days went from extremely dull to sunny and bright. At night it went from cloudy/dark to seeing tons of stars. Looking out you could only see the stars above El Shaddai, but you couldn’t see them surrounding us. Totally God!

It’s been estimated that Swaziland will cease to exist by 2050 because it has the highest AIDS statistics. I believe that fact will be inaccurate because God has better plans. The future of Swaziland is on top of that mountain and they have been set apart by God himself. Only 4 of the 65+ children have HIV/AIDS and that already defies the statistics. I have gotten to know several of the children this month and they all have dreams that I believe will come true. God has started a good work up there and He is not finished.

Needs of El Shaddai…
Prayer first and foremost! They are looking to replace the children’s mattresses ($30 per), as well as new bedding. More volunteers to help with the children and manual labor. They are trying to get all the children sponsored (food, clothes, medical care, etc). You can find our more specifics by going to james127.org Compassionate Life assists Charmaine and the needs of El Shaddai.