Let me start off by saying this blog is totally from God because if it were up to me I would not be sitting here writing this at 2am. Like I am full on, wide awake and down in the living room using my mom’s computer. Again if it were up to me I would be writing this still laying in bed and using my phone, but God wants my full attention on this blog and not on trying to make myself go back to sleep.

I have to share this God moment that JUST happened and I was only going to FB status it, but God wanted more so here it goes…

Some may have read a previous blog about me struggling with demons and just having an uneasy presence around me since making this commitment to do the World Race. Then at training camp I experience God like never before. I experienced this weight come off of me and Jesus’s love just poured in and the tears started coming out. Since training I have, not once, experienced the feeling of the devils presence in my room. When I would experience it before I would have to fall asleep praying or listing to Christian music, and this went on for months.


Misti (a fellow squad mate) sent me a song to listen to that reminded her of a conversation we were having a few days prior. The song was called Though You Slay Me by Shane & Shane and I LOVED it!! I went on iTunes and bought it and listened to it like 5 more times through the rest of our conversation hahaha. Well, I ended up putting my Christian music on shuffle and went to sleep. I didn’t know why I did, but I do now. I had a dream that I was babysitting 3 kids (maybe coincidence/maybe not…cuz Misti said she was babysitting 3 kids in the morning so she needed to go to bed) Okay back to my dream, sorry. So I was babysitting 3 kids and with 2 of them I was totally comfortable around. The other one stayed away and kept to herself. I called her over and she just looked  and me a turned around, God said to me, “Help her.” I was just looking at her and then God prompted me to put my hands on her head and cast out demons. So I lay my hands on her head and I say, “I the name of Jesus I command you to leave!” And then she started convulsing. I woke up freaked out and I was about to pray and I hear the song Send Us to the Nation playing on my phone only it was not the voice of the artist singing and it was not the words of the song. I began to pray and then the voice stops and I now hear what the song should be. I just smiled and laughed. I laid there for a minute then hopped up and came downstairs.

Totally in awe of the way God works and reveals himself to me and to my squad mates. He said to me, ” Evil will be all around you, but will NOT touch you!” )The EXACT words he said to another squad mate last week.) I know that God has been using the experiences I have been through to show me a glimpse of what this next year will be like. I AM SOOOO EXCITED!!!! I’m ready to cast out some demons, bring it Satan! I have God with me and there is nothing you can do about it! Check out Send Us to the Nations below…Ok, now time to go back to bed 🙂