As you know the 47 of us will be leaving our family and friends behind to embark on this amazing journey the Lord has put in front of us. We will miss those left behind dearly, but will be gaining a new family and we will get to serve along side one another to grow the kingdom of God. I have gotten to know my new family briefly at training camp and some of them a little more after and I am beyond blessed to get to serve with each and every one of them. God has carefully placed this team together and I am confident that He will keep us together till the end. God has graciously allowed me to be fully funded ahead of time so that I can help bless my fellow squad mates and fight along side of them until they are fully funded. We have a few who have still not met the deadline to launch in January.

Meet Audra. She is an amazing talented young lady who is full of life. Audra enjoys playing the guitar and her God given talents will be used to bless others on the mission field. She has a heart for missions and has prayed for years about going on the World Race. God has allowed her to get this far and I know he won’t let her down. She is about $2500 short of her $7500 deadline to leave in January. Would you pray and ask what God would have you to give. You can donate by clicking her link and clicking the “Support Me” tab. God will use and bless any amount you can give. Follow her journey and see how God works through her.


Meet Cody and Stephanie. They are a truly AMAZING couple that I look up to. Their faith in Christ is so evident in the life that they are living. They have obeyed the call to go on the World Race together as a couple and are doing whatever it takes for them to get there. Cody and Stephanie are selling everything they own including her engagement ring in order to provide for this adventure. A couple weeks ago they were $6000 short and now they are down to about $2000 short to launch in January. I ask that you also pray and ask what God would have you give to this wonderful couple. You can donate to them by clicking on their link and selecting the “Support Me” tab. You can follow their journey and see how God has exactly called them to go on this route. It has been a long journey for them and I believe God has specifically placed them on the route for future reasons. specifically look at their “Confimative” blog.

Tis the season for giving. Not only will you bless them, but you will play a huge part in blessing those we come in contact with on the mission field. You may have always thought I would like to go on a mission trip so I can bless lives, well maybe you can’t leave but you can bless prayerfully/monetarily and God will bless you for it. 

Merry Christmas!! 20 days till launch! 😀