He started to notice the little things and his heart began to change…


Belle started to see a change in her husband after she gave everything to the Lord and focused on changing herself. Beast started to appreciate her for the woman she was becoming. He didn’t know what came over her. Belle’s actions and tempers changed and she really was trying to be the submissive wife that God intended her to be. The 2 began to grow closer together as one and they began to talk about the change in her life. Beast’s heart was becoming sensitive to the Lord and he wanted what she had, but wasn’t ready yet. Belle had been on fire after seeing how God was working she began sharing with her family…

Among the ones she shared her change with was her sister. You have to understand her sister’s life was crumbling. She was a single mother of 2 who worked 70-80 hours a week. She was pregnant with baby number 3, about to lose her house, and on top of that she was getting fired from her job for getting pregnant. Belle says to her sister, “You don’t need a Savior?”. 

Beast was still not saved and still wasn’t going to church, but he was the one to give his sister-in-law a tract that presented the gospel to her. He said to her, “I think you need to read this.” Beast was sharing what happened to Belle, but he still hadn’t accepted yet. God was using him to plant seeds and he didn’t know it. Belle and her sister (with children) started going to church together and one by one the family started getting saved. Belle was first, her sister was next, then me, and beast, and so on…

Belle and Beast are still happily married and are more in love than ever and they look forward to seeing each other after long days of work. Belle still makes coffee, packs his lunch, and kisses him bye every morning. Beast makes sure his family comes first in everything and he comes last. Watching the 2 of them interact, you would never know what they have come through and worked so hard to get. You can say that they lived happily ever after.

How does this relate to me? Belle and Beast are my aunt and uncle and my mom is Belle’s sister. Our family has come through so much and God gets ALL of the glory. Who knows where I would be if Belle had not had lunch with that man that day, but I am so thankful she did!

Belle could have left Beast because according to the Bible she had grounds for the divorce, but she stayed. You never know…we may be the reason that person comes to Christ. “Our job is to love others, without stopping to inquire whether or not they are worthy.” (Don’t know who said that, but its so true.) We may be the only Jesus someone sees and it is our job to love them through whatever life has thrown their way. As Christians we are here to love and not condemn. I have had to pray about some of my attitudes towards some of the relationships that people I love are in, but I have now given them over to the Lord. He has them together for a reason and I have to come to terms with that. 

Only God know the big picture.

Meet Belle (Aunt Barbara) and Beast (Uncle Teddy)