And then she got pregnant…




Belle ended up getting pregnant…

She wasn’t ready for a kid and she sure wasn’t ready to marry this man. She was sure nothing good would come from this. Belle and Beast had a son and ended up getting married. Beast was still using drugs and he was not faithful to her. Belle had given up on marriage and wanted out. She then found out she was pregnant with son #2 and she was so upset and things just went downhill from there. The 2 ended up filing for divorce…but God quickly intervened. 

Belle was on her lunch break at work one day and a gentleman presented her with the Gospel. Now, I’m not sure if he knew about her family life or if God placed him in that spot, on that day, at that time but God used that man to place the seed and she ended up getting saved. Belle still did not want to stay married to the Beast, but she feared what would happen to her boys if she followed through with the divorce. So she called her lawyer and had the divorce process stopped. The Beast asked her what happened to her and she shared with him that she had gotten saved and she was reading the Bible. His response to her was, “Good! You need to read the Bible!” He was still unfaithful to her and they still had their struggles, only this time she had Christ with her. She had been reading God’s word and she knew God was telling her to be a submissive wife.

Ephesians 5:22-23 22 Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior.

Belle (at first) unwillingly served her husband because she had to. Just like in Beauty and The Beast, Belle gave herself to save her family; not wanting to, but willing to. Belle got up every morning to make her husband coffee and pack his lunch, but he still was ugly to her. Finally, Belle was broken to the point where she fell on her knees and cried out to the Lord. The Lord revealed to her she needed to change herself instead of pushing to change him. So now instead of serving her husband because she had to, she served him because she wanted to. After that moment Beast started to change little by little. He started to notice the little things and his heart began to change…