My mind has been everywhere and back the last couple of weeks. People ask me how I’m feeling and if I’m excited and I just cannot put it into words. I am super excited to go and ready to get started what I have been working toward for the last year, but it still really hasn’t hit me yet. Since Christmas I have been busy, busy, busy and I guess I really haven’t had time to process what is about to happen. With all the holidays, my brothers shotgun wedding the day before coming to Atlanta, all the “see ya laters”, packing, and traveling coming to an end I have a feeling its gonna hit me like a ton on bricks on the airplane. And you know what…I’m totally okay with that. I have an amazing group of supporters praying me up and have been praying for me for a long time. I know I am in the Lord’s will and I have PERFECT peace about the adventure I am about to embark on.

Today is the day I leave the United States of America (my home for the last 25 years) and go live in and serve the world and expand the Kingdom for Him. Our first stop is Cape Town, South Africa working with a sports camp. 6 of our 7 teams will be working together and the 7th team will be working in an orphanage in Pretoria, South Africa. We have a 16ish hour plane ride and then 12 hour bus ride to Cape Town. We would all appreciate your prayers as we travel and start the Lord’s work. Not just B-Squad, but all 5 squads are traveling to their countries today. We are setting out to change the world, be stretched, and see God move like never before and I cannot wait!!!! No more waiting, lets do this!!!!

Thank you for all the prayers and support! I am super blessed by all those in my life and cannot wait to share my life with you all over the next 11 months. I would not be here if it weren’t for you and your giving and fervent prayers. Thank you for playing a part in making a difference in the world and I pray you will be rewarded 10 fold. I shall talk to you all soon. I love you and miss you all very much!!