So last night I couldn't fall asleep when I went to bed so I started reading some blogs from my fellow squad mates and was looking at their support information. I was thinking how God has truly blessed me in having such a strong support group and how I really haven't had to struggle to get my deadlines met, whereas some of my squad mates are struggling big time. I was thinking about what my next blog would be and I was just going to be an encourage my squad mates to be strong and press on to what God has called them to do. So I was praying and fell asleep. God has not intended that to be this blog so it will be my next.

I wake up and look at my phone and its 3am, really Lord can I please go back to sleep, I have to get up for work in 3 1/2 hours. I started praying for anyone who popped into my head and then I began to think about the race and my next blog for the next 30 minutes. Needless to say God has another plan for this blog. I began thinking about my uncle, My Hero.

We all have heroes in life; some are action figures, some are celebrities and pop stars, some military, some family, etc. My hero is my Uncle Bill "Unk". Unk was like a big brother to me and he lived with my family off and on ever since I can remember. He had his struggles and battles that he dealt with everyday, and he had his past just like everyone else. To me he was the most amazing man, past and all. Those who knew him would say that he would light up any room or anyones bad day. He was real all the way to the core and wasn't afraid to tell it like it is. When he loved, he loved hard and you could feel it. Not a day goes by that I don't think about him. I miss him so much it hurts and it's not easy writing this blog.

Unk was diagnosed with Myelodysplastic Disease (MDS): a rare blood/bone marrow disorder which later turned to Leukemia. His best chance of survival was to get a bone marrow transplant, but there were no matches to be found. Being 1 of 4 siblings you would think they would have been a match, but the other 3 were matched for each other but not for him. We had bone marrow drives and it was known that he needed a match, but there was nothing, We all still had faith in God and knew that whatever happened was part of God's plan. Shortly before he died there was some hope. They decided to do an experiment with cord blood to see if it worked, sadly it did not and he just went down hill from there.

Sunday, February 13, 2011 my best friend and i were sitting on my bed watching the Curious Case of Benjamin Button after church and my step-dad's phone number popped up on her phone. I went to get my phone and there was 2 missed calls from my mom and I knew what it was. Mom said I needed to get my ticket and come to Duke Medical Center. I was a wreck and was very thankful for having my best friend with me, she did everything to help me get ready to leave. Got to the airport and everything was fine. Just before it was time to board the airline came over the intercom saying the plane had a flat tire and there was no spare on board. There were no other flights leaving that night and I couldn't control my emotions and I just started crying. I was afraid I wouldn't get to say goodbye. I went to the desk and had them put me in a hotel and called my best friend to come stay with me and she did.

Monday, February 14, 2011 (Valentines Day) my flight was early in the morning. When I landed my step-dad and my cousin who had just arrived from Arizona were waiting for me. We had to hurry to the hospital because time was slipping away. When we got there I turned the corner into the room and I just couldn't handle it. The rest of the family came back into the room and we were all crying and comforting one another. Let me just say Unk was a fighter. He had been unresponsive for awhile but when the whole family was there in the room together he opened his eyes and was able to look each one of us in the eyes as we said goodbye. We assured him that we would be ok and it was time for him to go. We sang hymns together as we were with him in his final moments. When he took his last breath he had a smile on his face and you could see peace come over his body. At that moment he was with the Lord and was struggling no longer. We were reassured as a family that what we believe is real.

I must tell you it was a rough semester for me after that. I was angry at God. I wouldn't pray and I wanted nothing to do with Christianity. I remember telling Him, I don't need you. But that is a story for another time.

Even though Unk is not with us today he is still my hero. He had so much faith in Christ and he knew God was in control of everything. He was an encouragement to us even in his times of struggles. He would always tell me everything was going to be ok. He always showed me the positive when I saw the negative. He was truly a man to look up to. I love you Unk! Until I see you again <3