Still in shock! I cannot believe that I have the full $16,285 raised before I leave for training camp. It’s amazing to see how God provides when you obey His calling. I have gone on 2 other short term mission trips before and God provided the small amount needed and I knew He would provide for this trip as well, but not this fast. I am so unbelievably thankful for all of the selfless giving from my family, church family, friends, co-workers, and patients. Our church has been through some trying times over the last few years and its amazing to see how we all come together in a time of need. This past Saturday I was able to raise $4700 by having a Spaghetti Dinner and Silent Auction, which got me to the full amount plus a little extra. It was nice to see church family that I have not seen in a couple of months and to see members bond with each other when there was conflicts among them before. No one complained they all just jumped in and served/donated for the cause. 

It is still hard to explain my feelings at times, it is like an emotional roller coaster. I can be feeling super excited at one point and the next I am super emotional, but I know that this trip will be used for God’s glory and He will not put me through anything I cannot handle. I will miss my friends and family and the luxuries of American living, but I am excited to see how God will use me and the situations I will be placed in.

I want to thank you for all of your prayers and support thus far. Please continue to pray for me and my squad as we prepare training camp on the 12th. Pray for safe travels and pray to prepare our hearts for what we are about to experience. Also pray for my squad mates who are still doing their fundraising. Some have not yet met their $3500 that is due upon arrival at training camp. We all have faith that funding will be there for everybody. God always supplies for those who obey Him and step out in faith.