Yes…it’s been a while.

Been a while for many reasons…my squad mates came back to town, finishing up ministry in Antigua, moving to another area of Guatemala, but more so because my thoughts are endless and lack tangible words to adequately express myself. Our time in Antigua was good but hard. Each day at Hermano Pedro Hospital got better and better. My heart fell more in love with some of those kids than it did my last time in Antigua which has been a main reason I have not written for while. Even sitting down to make myself think about having left Antigua is difficult, but here is my attempt…

Gasbar was one of the high functioning kids that I spent time with four years ago. Needless to say, I my heart leapt to see my 11-year-old buddy again knowing I would get to spend a lot of time with him over the next month. I grieved at times realizing that Gasbar’s condition was getting worse. Previously he could move his whole body except his legs, now he has little movement in his arms and hands and his speech is getting slower. His handicap is genetic, this is known because he has an older brother and sister at Hermano Pedro who have become progressively worse over the years and can function very little now.

Despite his disability God has made Gasbar special. He has this glimmer in his eye that causes you to be curious as to what he is thinking at all times. I labeled him the flirt of the hospital because anytime he would look at me with those long eyelashes I would cave and cater to his every need. He knew it too! One of the best parts about Gasbar is that he and I are a great audience for one another. We would laugh together until our sides hurt. More than that I saw the face of God in Gasbar everyday. One day I asked him who was his best friend. To my surprise, his response was, “Jesus!” I then asked if Jesus talked to him. When he said yes, I asked what He said to him. He said, “Te cuido y te amo!” Translation…”I take care of you and I love you!”

I have always believed the Lord speaks to the kids of Hermano Pedro. They are special. I believe God shows them things and tells them things that we will never be able to see or believe in our earthly lives. God knew I needed Gasbar to tell me Jesus speaks to him, cares for him, and loves him. In my wrestling I have asked God to show me the purpose of these kids more than simply challenging my simple life. Through Gasbar God showed me that they were created with a purpose just like those of us without life altering handicaps. They were created so God can love them! God lavishes His love on my kids at Hermano Pedro.

My little Alex miraculously recovered over the last month also. If you remember, when I first showed up the nurses would not let me hold or barely touch him because of a medicated IV covered by a cast to fight infection. When I would feed him he would eat very little if anything at all. It was like a miracle overnight. One day he had his IV and was pretty lethargic, and the next day no IV, eating solid food, and all smiles again. Being able to finally hold that little guy was the greatest gift in the world. When I took him to the park for the first time his little smiling face was brighter than the sun lighting up the whole sky.

I began to realize in the last week in Antigua that while the Lord had answered my more immediate prayers for Alex and Gasbar, He had answered prayers I have prayed for the kids at Hermano Pedro over the last four years. Few volunteers came to the hospital years ago, so I have consistently prayed that the Lord would send more people to love these kids. Last week I realized that my prayers had been answered. This time there were different groups there every week for a few days for a few hours, two older women came every morning, and several other younger girls were there consistently.

While it is difficult to leave my kids in Antigua, I have confidence that the Lord is with them, caring for them, and loving them. Thank you for your continued prayers for my buddies at Hermano Pedro. If you have been praying for them, know your prayers have been answered. Having left Antigua, I have much more peace this time about how the Lord is at work amongst places that seem to contain so much injustice. The realization is that you have to look for the Lord in places that seem hopeless. He is there! It is just a matter of if you are looking for Him or not. To be completely consumed with the reality of injustice rather than rejoice because of the Lord’s presence only accomplishes half the goal. Places like Hermano Pedro must motivate us to face injustice as a part of the solution along with bringing glory to the Lord for the work He is doing in seemingly hopeless, dark places!