this week i have:


1. played, and beat, the thai U20 national championship soccer team in a scrimmage. we won three to two, and played like champs. for the record, only three people on the squad ever played soccer growing up…probably because of our heart, not the state of thai soccer…
2. held a prayer and worship service in a church in bu / rma.
3. helped run a christian camp in a remote hillside village that took us an hour by truck – driving through a river – to get to. we taught, led worship and games for about 150 kids from all over thailand.
4. we had easter in a church that had only seen one other group of white people.
5. i used a squatty potty for the first time.
6. took a boat trip down the Salawin river, where the people of the Karen tribe often cross to sneak into Thailand. it was a prayer trip and really burdened our hearts for the Karen refugees
7. driven about 1500 miles in the back of a pickup…and loved almost every minute of it.
8. gotten in lots of water fights with thai children…and doused them…and it’s been alright because it’s been the water festival this week.
9. prayed over a bible school in a remote village of thailand. it’s just getting started, but the Gospel has infested this town and the people just want to know more of this Jesus they’ve begun to hear about.
10. eaten the best thai food i’ve ever imagined. Pi Rapee made us some Cashew Chicken two nights ago, and Sweet and Sour Chicken last night…oh my! If we can bring her with us to cook for us the next few months…watch out…