Erin and I shared a tear today. We were standing in a kitchen that isn’t ours looking at a full pantry of food that also is not ours. We are currently living on a farm, while the family is out of town, feeding about 25 animals with food that we didn’t buy. We have gone to a local church twice now and we know only two people, one being my father in-law’s friend. The church is very different from what we are use to, pretty contempary, but it just doesn’t feel like home. The only friend I have a sleep with every night. Which is the best, but no guys to call and hang with. Currently the job search continues and the bills are are also continuing. Fortunatly my wife had some money in a special savings account so we can pay some but it is getting smaller. We don’t know where we will live next month, all I do know is it’s not going to be in this house. Your typical newly married man has a decent job maybe a house or at least a mortgage, and is pretty stable. I got married, quit my job, we sold Erin’s car traveled accross the country for five weeks, and are now living a day to day uphill struggle. To top it all off we are asking for money so we can travel the world for eleven months. What am I doing?? All I can do is lift my hands to God and have faith I am where he wants me to be right now. Maybe this is a test of faith or maybe we are not supposed to be here. I do know I am not in controll because I would be so lost. Thank God for, well…. God. He is the all knowing, all powerful, all forgiving, all mighty King of Kings.