How much cash should I carry at one time? In what country do I need to be accompanied
by a male at all times? When is it
inappropriate to wear pants and a T-shirt?
How is our team going to budget so we do not run out of money by the end
of the month? Where am I going to sleep
next week? How I can prevent theft of my
valuables? Who is going to be on my team?

Can you remember the first day school when the teacher would
pass out the syllabus or list of projects to be completed throughout the
year? My stomach would drop and I would
get tense just thinking about completing all of the work. That is exactly how I felt today. We have been sitting through very helpful
seminars about finances, physical safety, wellness, and blogging. I know that the seminars were essential and
beneficial, but in each seminar I collected a handful of new worries. As I was getting more and more anxious I was
reminded of the following verse:

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by
prayer and petition, with Thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the
peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and
minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians

The all powerful, Creator of the universe wants me to go to
Him with my worries. Our Heavenly Father
cannot wait to take my burdens so He can fill me with His peace. I am so thankful for this trip and even more
thankful that the Lord will be protecting me and filling me with peace. If you would like to pray for me you could
pray that I go right to God rather than worrying.

In addition to seminars training has been filled with team
building time, great food, a little Frisbee, some soccer, a day of quiet, and a
New Year’s celebration. It has been a
great time of preparation for the Race, but we are all ready to get started. We are scheduled to head out
Thursday for Palenque. I’m not sure how
we will be making the trek down, but there have been talks of buses or rented

Team Hupomone has changed a little bit, because Christy and
Brooke will be attending the June trip.
We lost Andrew Maas, which was a tough blow to our team, but we gained
Breanna Caldwell who has so much to add to our team and will be a great
addition. We are scheduled to head out
Thursday for Palenque. I’m not sure how
we will be making the trek down, but there have been talks of buses or rented